Adding Liferay Journal article categories (types)

  • Asked - Feb 25, 2008, 01:42 PM
    / Viewed 25578 Times

    When creating an article using Liferay Journal CMS you have the choice to assign it to one of a pre-defined set of categories. If you don't know what I'm talking about then these are:

    • Announcements
    • Blogs
    • General
    • News
    • Press Release
    • Test

    Is it possible to add your own category. If so, how do you go about it?

    Lee Francis

    1 Answers

    Answered - Feb 25, 2008, 03:18 PM
    You can find this in the portal.properties:

    # Set the list of article types. The display text of each of the article
    # types is set in content/Language.properties.

    And if you want to change them, you should add it to portal-ext.properties.
    Replied - Feb 26, 2008, 07:56 PM
    Hi Elwin

    Thank you for your quick response! I have located the same location in my portal.properties file.

    So I guess this means two things:

    1) The actual labels for a given language "XX" can be found in the XX language file for keys:
    • announcements=<announcement label for language XX>
    • blogs=<blog label for language XX>
    • general=<general label for language XX>
    • news=<news label for language XX>
    • press-release=<press release label for language XX>
    • test=<test label for language XX>

    2) If I want to add a new category and label for the journal portlet, then I must
    • Append a new unique "key" to the "journal.article.types" list in portal-ext.properties
    • Add this new unique key to every language file with the correct label for that language

    Is this a correct interpretation of your answer?

    Lee Francis
    Replied - Mar 8, 2008, 01:09 AM
    > So I guess this means two things:
    > 1) The actual labels for a given language "XX" can be found in the XX language file for keys:

    • announcements=<announcement label for language XX>
    • blogs=<blog label for language XX>
    • general=<general label for language XX>
    • news=<news label for language XX>
    • press-release=<press release label for language XX>
    • test=<test label for language XX>

    > 2) If I want to add a new category and label for the journal portlet, then I must

    • Append a new unique "key" to the "journal.article.types" list in portal-ext.properties
    • Add this new unique key to every language file with the correct label for that language

    > Is this a correct interpretation of your answer?

    You got it right on... and you can then place the Language files in


    Remember the "-ext", these files will be merged with the default
    Language files.
    Replied - Nov 29, 2008, 11:08 AM
    Anyone please help me out daaaaa...

    How and from where my language properties are loading into my liferay.

    I know onething that these files are comming from ext-impl.jar file.

    but how my liferay does know that we are selected particular language like english ,french ,arabic ......
    and how the content is changing accordingly.

    Please daaa give me reply ..

    i am in very urgency.

    PLease reply meeeee..

    Thanks & Regards,
    Srikanth Reddy.S