Public Sector

Public Sector


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5 Ways to Improve Citizen Experiences in the Public Sector
Is your citizen portal meeting current citizen needs? See how can you do so with a citizen portal built on Liferay.
5 Min Read
September 4, 2024
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38 Key Statistics Driving the Transformation of Citizen Experiences in the Public Sector
Understanding the digital evolution of the public sector for the near future in 38 stats
5 Min Read
May 11, 2023
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10 Keys to Building the Public Sector Technology Journey
Find out what are the key elements to take into account when Architecting Public Sector Technology Transformation
7 Min Read
March 1, 2023
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Foundational Elements for Public Sector Digital Transformation
What does the future of Government Transformation look like? This transition implies rethinking the system with vision, experience, investment, and a good strategy prioritization. But where to set the focus?
3 Min Read
November 16, 2022
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What are the structural barriers to change towards digital public services?
Central and local governments are struggling moving towards digital-first models. For that, it is necessary to know where to start and where to go. So let's define the starting point.
4 Min Read
October 26, 2022

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