It might be quite late, but here it is anyway if you have not yet figured it out.
I have attached a zip file which contain source code for the following two portlets:
testPopupYou can just include the folders inside the zip in your plugin-portlet, build and deploy.
showPopup portlet contains the script which displays the
testPopUp portlet inside a dialog-iframe. I have included two ways in which the opening of a pop-up is possible. Please go through
view.jsp of this portlet and you would understand the script.
The testPopup portlet need not be put on any page, this just needs to be deployed. Please go through the
view.jsp and also the
liferay-portlet.xml for this portlet, I have included some comments for explanation.
The contents of the portlets are self-explanatory.
Here are the steps to test:
1) Put in the plugins-sdk the two folders
2) Deploy the two portlets
3) Add the showPopup portlet on any page
4) Click on the links as mentioned in the view page itself
5) Hurray! you see the test-portlet
Also if you want to show any liferay portlet inside the pop-up than you need to include the
portlet-id in the following property in your file:
Hope this helps.