Trial gratuito de 30 dias do Liferay DXP

Crie as soluções que você necessita no Liferay DXP

Faça o download da versão mais recente do Liferay DXP e comece a criar soluções personalizadas na plataforma de experiência digital mais flexível do mercado. Aproveite uma plataforma para criar infinitas soluções que permitirão que você tenha sucesso na economia digital, como:
  • Intranets
  • Websites
  • Portais personalizados
  • Portais para partners
  • Plataformas de integração

Comece seu trial gratuito de 30 dias do Liferay DXP

Already have a Liferay DXP trial? Renew your trial license here.

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Junte-se a mais de 1.300 empresas que já utilizam o Liferay DXP para projetos críticos

Choose Your Trial Experience

Pre-Built or Sandbox Trial? Explore Liferay DXP with two unique trial options! Whether you're looking for a guided SaaS experience to get rolling quickly or a self-hosted environment for complete control, we have the perfect trial for you.

Start a 7-day Pre-Built Trial
Start a 30-day Sandbox Trial
The Pre-Built Trial Experience

This free self-guided journey through a pre-built example solution is your quick launchpad into seeing Liferay DXP in action. Get to know our Software-as-a-Service offering Liferay SaaS for 7 days and see how easy it is to use our low-code capabilities to build and customize exactly what you need for your business.

Start the free Pre-Built Trial if you’re a solution architect, developer, or IT professional who wants to:

Understand how key capabilities function

Uncover the inner workings of Liferay SaaS from an under-the-hood perspective.

Explore different user journeys 

Simulate real-world use cases and actions like viewing, creating, and moving tickets through a workflow.

Customize the platform the right way

Learn implementation best practices for advanced requirements.

The Sandbox Trial Experience

Download the latest version of Liferay DXP for a free 30-day trial. Dive right into building flexible, customizable, and composable solutions. 

Start the Sandbox DXP Trial if you’re a solution architect, developer, or IT professional who wants to:

Experiment on your own terms

Get 30 day access to a vanilla instance of Liferay DXP that you have complete control over.

Discover the full potential 

Explore and customize Liferay’s vast out-of-the-box capabilities including low-code and no-code.

Get an inside perspective

Build solutions like customer portals, supplier portals, enterprise websites, intranets, and more.


Pre-built sample solution with auto provisioning; set up within
10-15 minutes

Trial Length

7 Days

Step-by-Step Guide



Cloud-hosted and managed by Liferay (SaaS)





Start a Pre-Built Guided Trial


Download and create your own solution; setup may require IT resources

Trial Length

30 Days

Step-by-Step Guide



Self-hosted or local environment





Start a Sandbox Trial
Rua Alfândega, Nº 35, Sala 0401 - Paço Alfândega
Recife, PE, 50.030-030
Tel: +55 81 2121-6000
Construído com Liferay Digital Experience Platform
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