Cómo construir una intranet que dispare la productividad

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Conoce  cinco casos de intranet que mejoran la productividad de los empleados, y las directrices que necesitas para diseñar tu propia intranet para que tenga éxito.
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Jeff Handa - Liferay

Jeff Handa is a Solution Architect with the Liferay Commerce team. Jeff is responsible for supporting Liferay and Partner sales teams during the pre-sales phase of Liferay Commerce deals. Jeff also continues to work with the implementation team post-sale to ensure that best practices are being followed. Jeff brings over 20 years of experience in developing and delivering enterprise grade solutions and has been working with the Liferay Platform for over 11 years.  

Amy Scott - Reload Media

Amy is Reload's Digital Strategy Director. With 10+ years of industry experience, Amy works with teams on their digital strategies to ensure they align with business outcomes; continually innovating and pushing the boundaries of what we do in digital for our clients. Amy has a passion for all industries including lead gen, B2B and ecommerce, working with clients such as ST. ALi Coffee, Prowler Proof and a number of ASX listed brands.

William Chondrodiharjo - Sapphire Group

William is the Head of IT and Analytics for Sapphire Group, a manufacturer of high quality fragrant products for home & personal use and a proud owner of Glasshouse Fragrances and Circa Home brand. William is responsible for overseeing the technology within the organisation, leading a team of internal & external IT team members, and managing the deployment of strategic business projects from the technology aspect.