Solutions: Agent Portals

Streamlined experiences for agent success

Increase productivity with an intuitive agent portal solution built on Liferay.

Equip Agents for Long-Term Success

Enable agents, brokers, and partners to share and collect data to deliver personalized quotes and increased operational efficiency through a consolidated location. 

Jumpstart Your Solution

Liferay helps you jumpstart the creation of an agent portal solution with our Agent Portal Service Provider Package, then further tailor according to your needs with our Global Services team’s years of expertise.

Reclaim Lost Profit Margins

  • Streamline Workflows
    Increase producer distribution efficiency with streamlined policy application and administration workflows. 
  • Digitalize the Producer Experience
    Drive adoption and usage of digital tools with a modern and intuitive producer experience. 
  • Reduce Form and Application Complexity
    ​​​​Reduce upfront complexity with simplified forms and applications, and see everything in one place on a unified dashboard with relevant KPIs for agents.

Accelerate Existing Channels and Retain Competitive Edge

  • Manage Multiple Insurance Lines
    Effectively manage multiple insurance lines and books of businesses with a contextualized dashboard and policy administration analytics and data. 
  • Easily Cross-sell and Upsell
    Easily identify cross-sell/upsell opportunities with real-time notifications and in-context analytics. 
  • Find Revenue Expansion Opportunities​​​
    Quickly understand opportunities for revenue expansion with integrations back to other core insurance platforms that support functions like underwriting and risk/ratings.
See how Britam keeps  pace with a changing business environment across its lines of businesses

Position Your Agents to be the Future of Customer Experience

  • Equip Agents
    Give agents the information and data they need to work alongside carriers effectively. 

  • Get In-Context Analytics and KPIs
    In-context agent and producer analytics and KPIs help agents quickly see actions to take for applications, claims, and policies at a glance. 

  • Maintain and Grow Partnerships
    Maintain long-term distribution partnership by improving communication channels with your agents. 

  • Reduce Cost of Supporting Partners
    Consolidated access to insurer’s marketing materials, information, and help through tools like a live chat, reduce the cost of supporting your partners.

See how Liferay can help you personalize your customer journey.