Report Illegal Content
If you see content that you believe is illegal under the DSA, please submit it using this form. We encourage you to please fill out each field requested in the form and to include as much information as possible. Please be as specific as possible with regard to the content category, the content location (e.g. URL/content ID/other metadata), any additional information (time/date/specific offering/site section), and why you believe the content is illegal, associated with the content for us to be able to locate and properly assess the content of the report and to be in a position to initiate steps necessary and to take appropriate action.
Report Illegal Content
Please complete the form and we will contact you about your report.
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By submitting this form, the party named herein confirms that it has a bona fide belief that the information contained herein is accurate and complete.

You understand and acknowledge that you are submitting this form in accordance with the Digital Services Act, and pursuant to Article 23 of said Act, if you frequently submit notices or complaints that are manifestly unfounded, your access to Liferay Services may be suspended (if applicable).

Upon submission of the form you will receive an email confirming receipt of the report. You may be contacted again regarding the content complaint of. We will review your report and initiate steps necessary and take action as appropriate. We may disclose such notices to relevant third parties if necessary to further our investigation and we may provide options for consultation or redress to the party responsible for posting the content. We will notify you via email about the outcome of our assessment. Liferay will process your data as described in the Privacy Policy.

<p>By submitting this form, the party named herein confirms that it has a bona fide belief that the information contained herein is accurate and complete.</p> <p>You understand and acknowledge that you are submitting this form in accordance with the Digital Services Act, and pursuant to Article 23 of said Act, if you frequently submit notices or complaints that are manifestly unfounded, your access to Liferay Services may be suspended (if applicable).</p> <p>Upon submission of the form you will receive an email confirming receipt of the report. You may be contacted again regarding the content complaint of. We will review your report and initiate steps necessary and take action as appropriate. We may disclose such notices to relevant third parties if necessary to further our investigation and we may provide options for consultation or redress to the party responsible for posting the content. We will notify you via email about the outcome of our assessment. Liferay will process your data as described in the <a href="">Privacy Policy</a>.</p>
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