For thirty-five years, Sigla Credit has maintained a strong presence in Italy as a consumer credit agency. With more than 100 agents, Sigla has financed 120,000+ clients. Sigla serves both employees and retirees with the goal of guaranteeing affordable and responsible credit to enable customers to meet their daily expenses sustainably and improve their quality of life.
Sigla Simplifies Client Loan Process with New Liferay Partner Portal
decrease in data entry time
month delivery
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Sigla wanted to create a portal to manage the financial solutions of their partner banks, which exist nationwide as a network of branches.
The partner portal needed to:
The partner portal needed to:
- Ensure interaction and communication between bank branches and Sigla’s central specialists with a simple and intuitive interface.
- Get built quickly in order to meet business requirements as part of the contractual agreement.
Sigla found a technology partner first in SMC, with whom they had worked previously. SMC, a Liferay Platinum Partner, recommended Liferay DXP as the solution platform because of its flexibility, customization, ability to integrate with back-end systems, and fast time-to-market.
In fact, from defining requirements for the portal to the launch date, only four months elapsed.
After logging into the new portal, users see the dashboard, where they can view all actions entered by the user (if a bank operator) or managed (if a Sigla operator.) Users can manage or check progress based on status, using filters and search to refine their selection process.
The portal features an efficient three-step workflow:
In fact, from defining requirements for the portal to the launch date, only four months elapsed.
After logging into the new portal, users see the dashboard, where they can view all actions entered by the user (if a bank operator) or managed (if a Sigla operator.) Users can manage or check progress based on status, using filters and search to refine their selection process.
The portal features an efficient three-step workflow:
- First, when logging in as a bank operator, the user can perform simulations by entering data to provide an initial estimate to the client, and then printing or entering the request.
- Next, the user enters a “New Request,” divided into personal data, income data, and financing request data. This data helps create pre-filled documents ready for a signature.
- Finally, the approval flow moves between the bank operator and the Sigla operator. At any time, the bank operator can view documents and notes already entered or see a client’s master data.

The new partner portal has automated processes that were previously manual. Results include:
- Up to 30% decrease in the time it takes to enter data because of an intuitive and easy-to-use interface.
- 50% decrease in approval time because of the workflow automation and smooth integration with existing back-end systems.
- Faster time-to-market from the design to release of the solution.

Future Plans
Sigla intends to improve communication with bank branches and with the end customer through the partner portal as well. The plan is to develop integrations and services to optimize their customer relationships thanks to communication tools like chat, SMS, and increasingly detailed and instant process-monitoring tools. Together with SMC, Sigla plans to keep working on the portal in order to get the most out of Liferay DXP’s flexibility.