App Marketplace
Expand Liferay's portfolio through apps from our partner and developer ecosystems to enhance your digital transformation.
815 Applications Available
enhanced meta-search pe portlet
i3 solevo
This portlet allows to execute an enhanced search for documents looking for the keyword just into the metadata structure specific to the selected...
Documents Categorization Portlet
Documents Categorization portlet was developed by XTIVIA, the 2012, 2013 & 2014 Liferay North America Partner of the Year. The Documents...
Ancud FileShare
Ancud IT-Beratung GmbH
Nowadays most of us are used to cloud storage services like Dropbox or Google Drive and how easy they make it to share files with other people. ...
Documents Media Database Checker
Documents Media Database Checker portlet was developed by XTIVIA, the 2012, 2013 & 2014 Liferay North America Partner of the Year. The...
Documents Media File System Checker
Documents Media File System Checker portlet was developed by XTIVIA, the 2012, 2013 & 2014 Liferay North America Partner of the Year. The...
GEOLocation WebArticle
Marco Abbuonandi
This plugin makes it easy to locate the web articles on google maps. There are two portlets: - In the control panel to manage the location of the...
A13 Responsive Theme Stack
Benjamin Simpson
This product includes two themes and 19-color schemes. Additionally, it includes several ADTs (Application Display Templates) to help you quickly...
Chart portlet
Savoir-faire Linux
Charts are effective visual tools for presenting information, summarizing results, and revealing trends and patterns in data. The Chart Portlet is...
Travis Integration Portlet
Manuel de la Peña
More and more often, development teams adopt Continuous Integration as a good practice within development processes, and team members need to watch...
Digital Drawing Board
ScalSys Technologies
Award winning Digital Drawing Board portlet. Draw the canvas and share it by exporting the state of the drawing board. - Simple and clean...
Web Content Raw Editor
Sébastien Le Marchand
Web Content Raw Editor allows to directly edit web contents in raw XML format. Written with security in mind, this plugin respect permissions of...
Liferay CE Push
Liferay, Inc.
Liferay Push exposes a framework that lets developers send push notifications from Liferay Portal to native Android and iOS apps. By leveraging...
Company Theme
Amivarius OÜ
For your company public websites or pretty internal sites. - Custom background images. You can upload your website background to document library...
User Unlock
Vishal Panchal
This app will allow User/Administrator to unlock the Locked-Out-Users with ease from page itself. We can unlock bunch of users at the same time...
Business Theme
Amivarius OÜ
A new theme best suitable for various business public websites but also internal sites. - Unlimited Custom Colors. You can customize the colors...