App Marketplace
Expand Liferay's portfolio through apps from our partner and developer ecosystems to enhance your digital transformation.
815 Applications Available
Liferay CE Connector to Elasticsearch 6
Liferay, Inc.
Liferay CE Connector to Elasticsearch 6 connects Liferay Portal 7.0 CE to Elasticsearch 6 search engine. This client application is a drop-in...
Agile Org Designer
Enterprise Know How AG
Design agile organization structures by drag & drop. Transform to an agile organization: maintain a stable top-level structure but replace...
Birt Reporting tool
Azilen Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Installation and Deployment for BIRT portlet for Liferay Applications This write up includes information about: [1] BIRT Server Setup [2] Configure...
Venus Theme
Surekha Technologies
Surekha Technologies presents you a stylish, elegant and responsive Liferay "Venus Theme" for a wide range of websites. The packaged web...