App Marketplace
Expand Liferay's portfolio through apps from our partner and developer ecosystems to enhance your digital transformation.
815 Applications Available
Social Map
Enterprise Know How AG
Organizations and users come straight to the point with Social Map. This app is based on Google Maps and provides tailor-made maps for...
Social Feeds Mashup Portlet for Liferay 7/DXP
Surekha Technologies
Social Feeds Mashup Portlet is developed by Surekha Technologies which retrieves social feeds from different social networking sites and displays...
Social Graph Light
Enterprise Know How AG
Social Graph Light provides an overview of your business network. Recognize relationships and benefit from instant access and direct interaction. ...
Chat Support
Gaurav Joshi
The chat support portlet named “May I Help You?” is a production ready chat support system for Liferay DXP / 7, which after deployment, is...