App Marketplace
Expand Liferay's portfolio through apps from our partner and developer ecosystems to enhance your digital transformation.
815 Applications Available
Liferay Quartz Upgrade
Liferay, Inc. (Marketplace)
This app provides an upgrade path for Quartz data from Liferay Portal 6.0 EE, 6.0 SP1, and 6.0 SP2 to 6.1 EE. Use this app to export your scheduler...
Liferay Reports
Liferay, Inc. (Marketplace)
Leverage Liferay Reports's easy to use and intuitive UI for creating and scheduling report generation runs. The Liferay Reports app packages a...
Liferay Ehcache Cluster
Liferay, Inc. (Marketplace)
Liferay portal relies upon both content and object caching to minimize database interaction and excessive object creation. Out of the box, the...
Liferay JasperReports
Liferay, Inc. (Marketplace)
JasperReports is the world's most popular open source reporting engine. It is entirely written in Java and it is able to use data coming from any...