App Marketplace
Expand Liferay's portfolio through apps from our partner and developer ecosystems to enhance your digital transformation.
815 Applications Available
Liferay Audience Targeting
Liferay, Inc.
The Audience Targeting app raises the engagement experience of your sites to a whole new level. This app allows you to segment your audience,...
Performance Booster for Liferay 7/DXP
Surekha Technologies
Performance booster plugin is developed by Surekha Technologies using Ehcache which enhance the processing, offloads your database, simplifies...
Liferay CE Solr 5 Search Engine
Liferay, Inc.
This app provides integration with Apache Solr 5, the popular open source enterprise search platform from the Apache Lucene project. Its major...
Free form chart/dashboard portlet
Bearhill Soft, LLC
Portlet for implementing responsive charts and dashboards. It uses open source components for flexible HTML5 JavaScript charting.