
Liferay Enterprise Search Experiences

Liferay, Inc.
Boost, hide, or filter results by various factors like proximity, categories, tags, user segment, and much more or build vector searches using the Search Blueprints and Semantic Search features to customize the search query and personalize your digital experiences.
Analytics and Optimization

Search Blueprints (available for DXP 7.3 and 7.4) is the first feature of the Search Experiences toolset. Search Blueprints allows you to:

  • Override Liferay DXP's search behavior with a visual query builder with options to influence search with no code
  • Provide personalized and context aware search results
  • Boost, hide, or filter results by various factors like proximity, categories, tags, user segment, etc.
  • Beta (DXP 7.4 U88+/2023.Q3+) Automatically register a collection provider for each search blueprint. By displaying the blueprint's results in a collection display fragment, you can leverage search to return your assets dynamically, and reap the benefits of the fragments toolbox to lay out the page.

Semantic Search Beta (DXP 7.4 U70+) you can getting one (big) step closer to create a search experiences that understand the meaning and the context of the content and users searches leveraging new generation language ML models through third-party providers and the visual query builder of Search Blueprints.

Release Highlights (DXP 7.3)

Compatibility Matrix


Note: This application is bundled with DXP 7.4, see this article for more details.

Liferay is trademark of Liferay, Inc., Liferay International Limited and/or Liferay Affiliate, registered in the United States and/or other countries.
    Liferay Search Experiences is available to Liferay DXP customers with a Liferay Enterprise Search subscription in Liferay DXP 7.3.
    Release Summary and Release Notes
    VersionChange LogSupported Framework VersionsDate Added
    1.1.0LPS-163926 LPS-163485 LPS-77699 LPS-163489 LPS-163284 LPS-158139 LPS-150879 LPS-160749 LPS-158873 LPS-158782 LPS-151264 LPS-148563 LPS-153331 LPS-151267 LPS-151265 LPS-151266 LPS-162984 LPS-162591 LPS-162423 LPS-162299 LRQA-77028 LPS-156875 LPS-153543 LPS-152183 LPS-151209 LPS-159847 LPS-159037 LPS-152515 LPS-152073 LPS-151009 LPS-153251 LPS-143720 LPS-151833 LPS-152791 LPS-152246 LPS-151895 LPS-150222 LPS-158214 LPS-149135 LPS-149143 LPS-149142 LPS-149138 LPS-155699 LPS-144724 LPS-150724
    Liferay DXP 7.3 Update 14+
    1.0.0COMMERCE-7574 LPS-105380 LPS-129172 LPS-138894 LPS-138983 LPS-138984 LPS-140041 LPS-140441 LPS-140454 LPS-140459 LPS-140998 LPS-141042 LPS-141119 LPS-142254 LPS-142956 LPS-143238 LPS-143412 LPS-143467 LPS-143497 LPS-143527 LPS-143567 LPS-143640 LPS-143724 LPS-143974 LPS-143997 LPS-144153 LPS-144178 LPS-144193 LPS-144208 LPS-144359 LPS-144380 LPS-144391 LPS-144684 LPS-144910 LPS-144951 LPS-145010 LPS-145015 LPS-145016 LPS-145018 LPS-145058 LPS-145121 LPS-145138 LPS-145140 LPS-145145 LPS-145187 LPS-145411 LPS-145425 LPS-145429 LPS-145440 LPS-145457 LPS-145554 LPS-145569 LPS-145689 LPS-145775 LPS-145801 LPS-145834 LPS-145874 LPS-145881 LPS-145950 LPS-145977 LPS-146033 LPS-146036 LPS-146176 LPS-146205 LPS-146375 LPS-146418 LPS-146582 LPS-146638 LPS-146645 LPS-146793 LPS-146797 LPS-147064 LPS-147066 LPS-147134 LPS-147218 LPS-147264 LPS-147423 LPS-147826 LPS-148136 LPS-148531 LPS-148550 LPS-148551 LPS-148749 LPS-148862 LPS-148883 LPS-149023 LPS-149053 LPS-149082 LPS-149091 LPS-149100 LPS-149126 LPS-149127 LPS-149128 LPS-149129 LPS-149130 LPS-149131 LPS-149132 LPS-149133 LPS-149134 LPS-149136 LPS-149137 LPS-149139 LPS-149141 LPS-149279 LPS-149393 LPS-149497 LPS-149990 LPS-150107 LPS-150490 LPS-150634 LPS-150636 LPS-151040 LPS-151094 LPS-151284 LPS-151475 LPS-152608 LPS-152875 LPS-153323 LPS-153729 LPS-153885 LPS-153886 LPS-153959 LPS-154002 LPS-154790 LPS-154794 LPS-154796 LPS-155148 LPS-155478 LPS-155479 LPS-155547 LPS-155749 LPS-155870 LPS-77699 LPS-92618 RELEASE-5117
    Liferay DXP 7.3 Update 6+
    Liferay Inc., was founded in 2004 in response to growing demand for Liferay Portal, the market's leading independent portal product that was garnering industry acclaim and adoption across the world. Today, Liferay Inc. houses a professional services group that provides training, consulting and enterprise support services to our clientele in the Americas, EMEA, and Asia Pacific. It also houses a core development team that steers product development. Liferay is a leader in the industry. This is primarily due to the ongoing dedication of our employees. We have prided ourselves on establishing an organization that is well respected in our industry. Liferay has been committed to providing a work environment that supports the dignity of people while encouraging creativity and excellence.
    Liferay, Inc.
    Published Date
    Supported Versions

    Installation Instructions

    This is a Legacy App that is no longer available in the new App Marketplace. You are able to acquire it from your installed DXP or CE instance and install it by following the instructions below.

    Acquiring this App through the legacy Liferay Portal Store

    1. Review app documentation for any specific installation instructions.
    2. Login to your Liferay Portal instance with administrative permissions.
    3. Navigate to the Control Panel, Marketplace (or Apps for 7.3 and prior), then Store.
    4. If needed, login to your Liferay.com account by choosing Sign In.
    5. Search for the app name in the Search dialog.
    6. Once the app is found, click on the app in the search results.
    7. On the app details page, choose to acquire the app by selecting the Free, Buy, or Trial button.
    8. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the acquisition.

    Installing this App through legacy Liferay Portal Purchased Apps

    1. After acquiring the app, login to your Liferay Portal instance with administrative permissions.
    2. Navigate to the Control Panel, Marketplace (or Apps for 7.3 and prior), then Purchased.
    3. If needed, login to your Liferay.com account by choosing Sign In.
    4. Click the Install button to install your app on your Liferay Portal instance.

    See the legacy App Marketplace help documentation for more information.