Mobile Verification
Hardk Rajani
Identity Management & Governance
Now a days, Most of the site needs to verify the mobile number and email
address of their users for security purpose. Liferay is providing email
verification OOB.
This plugin will help to integrate that functionality directly to the Liferay portal.
Key Features
- Admin can enable/disable mobile verification very easily.
- Mobile verification can be set to be mandatory/optional.
- Further development depending upon mobile verification can be done easily. As mobile number and its status is stored in User Custom Attribute.
Steps to Use
1) Deploy Hook
2) As Admin Go to Control Panel -> Portal Settings -> Authentication
3) Select Tab “SMS”
4) Enable SMS Verification
5) Enter details of Twillio Sms Account, i.e. Account SID, Auth Token, Sending Number
6) Enter the SMS you want to send to mobile number for verification. Add $S where you want to place the verification code. Verification code will be generated automatically and it will replace the $S in the SMS Body.
7) One more check box added for make mandatory. If this is selected. User will be forced to verify the mobile number. If mandatory is not selected. User will get option to skip the verification.
User Site changes for Mobile Verification
1) New text required field is added in the create account page for mobile number. Mobile number will be all digits number with country code in prefix. User don’t need to add plus(+) sign for the number.
2) Once User will enter mobile number and press Save button. One SMS will be sent to the mobile number entered in the field. Popup will open for entering the verification code. User will have to enter the verification code into the field to verify the mobile number.
3) If the mandatory is not selected, User will get a button to skip the verification.
Helping hands :
Vipin Bardia (
This plugin will help to integrate that functionality directly to the Liferay portal.
Key Features
- Admin can enable/disable mobile verification very easily.
- Mobile verification can be set to be mandatory/optional.
- Further development depending upon mobile verification can be done easily. As mobile number and its status is stored in User Custom Attribute.
Steps to Use
1) Deploy Hook
2) As Admin Go to Control Panel -> Portal Settings -> Authentication
3) Select Tab “SMS”
4) Enable SMS Verification
5) Enter details of Twillio Sms Account, i.e. Account SID, Auth Token, Sending Number
6) Enter the SMS you want to send to mobile number for verification. Add $S where you want to place the verification code. Verification code will be generated automatically and it will replace the $S in the SMS Body.
7) One more check box added for make mandatory. If this is selected. User will be forced to verify the mobile number. If mandatory is not selected. User will get option to skip the verification.
User Site changes for Mobile Verification
1) New text required field is added in the create account page for mobile number. Mobile number will be all digits number with country code in prefix. User don’t need to add plus(+) sign for the number.
2) Once User will enter mobile number and press Save button. One SMS will be sent to the mobile number entered in the field. Popup will open for entering the verification code. User will have to enter the verification code into the field to verify the mobile number.
3) If the mandatory is not selected, User will get a button to skip the verification.
Helping hands :
Vipin Bardia (
Liferay is trademark of Liferay, Inc., Liferay International Limited and/or Liferay Affiliate, registered in the United States and/or other countries.
Release Summary and Release Notes
Version | Change Log | Supported Framework Versions | Date Added |
1 | Found issue with Liferay 6.2 ce GA2, Updated to let the hook to be deployed. | Liferay Portal 6.1 CE GA2 Liferay Portal 6.1 CE GA3 Liferay Portal 6.1 EE GA2+ Liferay Portal 6.2 CE GA1 Liferay Portal 6.2 EE GA1+ | 2014-07-11 |
Hardk Rajani
Published Date
Supported Versions
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Installation Instructions
This is a Legacy App that is no longer available in the new App Marketplace. You are able to acquire it from your installed DXP or CE instance and install it by following the instructions below.
Acquiring this App through the legacy Liferay Portal Store
- Review app documentation for any specific installation instructions.
- Login to your Liferay Portal instance with administrative permissions.
- Navigate to the Control Panel, Marketplace (or Apps for 7.3 and prior), then Store.
- If needed, login to your account by choosing Sign In.
- Search for the app name in the Search dialog.
- Once the app is found, click on the app in the search results.
- On the app details page, choose to acquire the app by selecting the Free, Buy, or Trial button.
- Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the acquisition.
Installing this App through legacy Liferay Portal Purchased Apps
- After acquiring the app, login to your Liferay Portal instance with administrative permissions.
- Navigate to the Control Panel, Marketplace (or Apps for 7.3 and prior), then Purchased.
- If needed, login to your account by choosing Sign In.
- Click the Install button to install your app on your Liferay Portal instance.
See the legacy App Marketplace help documentation for more information.