
Live Video and Conferencing Solution

Experience Management
Personalization and Segmentation
Analytics and Optimization
Collaboration & Knowledge Sharing

Limitless Experiences, One Solution

Eliminate physical barriers and broaden your audience to global scalability. Our solution allows attendees to join live or watch pre-recorded sessions, no matter where they are.


Rivet Logic's Live Video and Conferencing Solution is a globally accessible communication platform for hosting virtual events. Live video streaming and conferencing is available to configure for both internal and external use.

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Key Benefits:

Virtual Expo Center 
  • Deliver exhibitor and sponsor ROI
  • Virtual Booths
  • Ability to live stream separate rooms 
  • We are able to ingest, capture, and activate event attendee data making post event leads easily and quickly available
 NPO and Houses of worship 
  • Our Interactive chat announces donations and give aways to keep virtual attendees engaged during the event
  • Our Platform for virtual events allows the organization to set donation goals before and during the event
  • Live streaming and VOD

Solution Highlights


Fast, Secure, Reliable

A customizable platform that allows you to reap all the benefits of professionally executed video at a fraction of cost without sacrificing on features, capabilities, and time to market.

Local, yet Global

Members around the world will be able to participate, join rooms, chat with virtual exhibitors, and enjoy an amazing virtual experience with site and language translation.

Cost Effective

We offer the highest quality, most reliable, professional video content without interruptions, plus a configurable environment for crafting unique digital experiences for all types of events and use cases. At a simple based price.

Realize business benefits with Liferay Content Hub Advantage
by EPAM:

Company Profile
For the Fortune 2000 across all vertical markets as well as major government agencies who have digital transformation needs, Rivet Logic provides responsible full stack design, implementation, and business continuity consulting services.

We guarantee low-risk, top-quality, and long lasting success. Unlike bottom-line-only driven Solution Providers who tend to cut corners, don’t architect their solutions for the future, and mainly compete on price, Rivet Logic brings unparalleled technical expertise in a targeted set of best-of-breed cloud and open source technologies, coupled with vast real-world experience, to help its customers realize their digital vision without fail.




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Live Video and Conferencing Solution