

Rivet Logic Corporation
Data Modeling & Business Logic
Whiteboard app is a collaborative real-time tool for Liferay sites, which enables users to share a discussion board where they can create sketches together. Users just need to navigate to the page where app is installed to start to see the board and interact with it.

The app consist of a portlet which integrates innovative technologies for intuitive graphical user interface in javascript and asynchronous communication ("real-time"). It uses fabrics.js for build whiteboard canvas and tools, and it uses Atmosphere Framework in client and server side, to manage the asynchronous communication mechanism. The first protocol which portlet tries to use is web sockets, however this depends on the browser and the application container (server) where the app is installed.

This application has been tested in these Liferay bundles:
Tomcat 7
Glassfish 3.1
JBoss AS 7.1

And in these browsers:
Firefox 25+
Safari 6.1.3
Chrome 34

Currently, Whiteboard app works with web sockets if the server is Tomcat 7 for almost all browsers. If it is running in a JBoss AS 7.1 or Glassfish 3.1 Whiteboard app works but using pooling-streaming mechanism.
Liferay is trademark of Liferay, Inc., Liferay International Limited and/or Liferay Affiliate, registered in the United States and/or other countries.
Release Summary and Release Notes
Version Change Log Supported Framework Versions Date Added
1.1.0 New feature: Help page.
Liferay Portal 6.2 EE GA1+
Liferay Portal 6.2 CE GA1+
1.0.2 Fix: Problem when security manager is enabled, thanks to Marcel Trotzek for reporting it.
Liferay Portal 6.2 CE GA1+
Liferay Portal 6.2 EE GA1+
Liferay Portal 6.2 CE GA1+
Liferay Portal 6.2 EE GA1+
Rivet Logic is an award-winning consulting and systems integration firm that helps organizations better engage with customers, improve collaboration, and streamline business operations. Through a full suite of services and solutions for content management, collaboration and community, Rivet Logic enables organizations to fully leverage the power of industry-leading open source software. With deep expertise in the Liferay Portal and Social Collaboration Platform, the Alfresco Content Management system, Apache Solr and MongoDB, Rivet Logic crafts content-rich solutions that power engaging web and mobile sites, social business applications and enterprise collaboration. From its offices throughout North America and near-shore development center in Costa Rica, Rivet Logic serves clients across a wide range of industries. Rivet Logic—Building Digital Experiences.
Rivet Logic Corporation
Published Date
Supported Versions

Installation Instructions

This is a Legacy App that is no longer available in the new App Marketplace. You are able to acquire it from your installed DXP or CE instance and install it by following the instructions below.

Acquiring this App through the legacy Liferay Portal Store

  1. Review app documentation for any specific installation instructions.
  2. Login to your Liferay Portal instance with administrative permissions.
  3. Navigate to the Control Panel, Marketplace (or Apps for 7.3 and prior), then Store.
  4. If needed, login to your Liferay.com account by choosing Sign In.
  5. Search for the app name in the Search dialog.
  6. Once the app is found, click on the app in the search results.
  7. On the app details page, choose to acquire the app by selecting the Free, Buy, or Trial button.
  8. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the acquisition.

Installing this App through legacy Liferay Portal Purchased Apps

  1. After acquiring the app, login to your Liferay Portal instance with administrative permissions.
  2. Navigate to the Control Panel, Marketplace (or Apps for 7.3 and prior), then Purchased.
  3. If needed, login to your Liferay.com account by choosing Sign In.
  4. Click the Install button to install your app on your Liferay Portal instance.

See the legacy App Marketplace help documentation for more information.