
Workplace Strategy Drives Cultural Transformation
Within digital transformation initiatives, cultural change remains a significant obstacle for companies. Implemented correctly, the digital workplace can be a major component of facilitating this change.
Attract New Talent
Millennials are currently the largest segment in the U.S. workforce, and they bring expectations of employer engagement and values that are significantly different from the expectations of Gen X and Boomers. Millennial turnover costs the U.S. economy an estimated $30.5 billion annually, according to Gallup Research.
In order to attract the critical digital skills that companies require for effective digital transformation, digital workplace strategies should understand how Millennials evaluate job satisfaction and what drives them to stay with an employer for the long term.
In order to attract the critical digital skills that companies require for effective digital transformation, digital workplace strategies should understand how Millennials evaluate job satisfaction and what drives them to stay with an employer for the long term.
Reskill Your Existing Workforce
In addition to recruiting new skills, many industries face a need to reskill their existing workforce to account for the new technologies being introduced into key business processes. As artificial intelligence and automation replace certain jobs, those workers will need guidance on how to succeed in new conceptualizations of work. Digital workplaces can incorporate learning management systems (LMS) to bring learning closer to employees and measure how quickly the organization is gaining new skills and knowledge.
Digital Transformation Needs the Digital Workplace
As digital transformation continues to create new business models, organizations will need to foster workplace environments that enable employees to confidently take advantage of new technology and trends. The pace of change shows no signs of slowing, which means that a digital workplace will only increase in strategic importance.
Fortunately, most organizations now have basic customer experience blueprints that can be reused to optimize the employee experience, including developing worker personas, identifying pain points and reorienting stakeholders to be customer-led. As buy-in for new work norms increases, new standards and systems will merge to accommodate the expectations of today’s workers.
Fortunately, most organizations now have basic customer experience blueprints that can be reused to optimize the employee experience, including developing worker personas, identifying pain points and reorienting stakeholders to be customer-led. As buy-in for new work norms increases, new standards and systems will merge to accommodate the expectations of today’s workers.
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