
Liferay DXP: Commerce Fact Sheet

Simplify buying and encourage repeat orders with a site that makes it easy to do business with you.

Download this fact sheet to see how Liferay's native Commerce capabilities can help you:

1. Create and manage multiple storefronts
2. Simplify order management
3. Provide sales and service rep support
4. Simplify product management
5. Support complex pricing
6. Process payments easily
7. Manage product inventory
8. Integrate and connect to other systems
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Liferay DXP im Überblick: Die Bausteine, die Sie benötigen, um maßgeschneiderte digitale Lösungen zu erstellen
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Liferay DXP im Überblick: Die Bausteine, die Sie benötigen, um maßgeschneiderte digitale Lösungen zu erstellen
Lieferantenportale mit Liferay DXP: Unterstützende Features und Funktionalitäten
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Lieferantenportale mit Liferay DXP: Unterstützende Features und Funktionalitäten
Liferay DXP 7.4 Features Overview
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Liferay DXP 7.4 Features Overview

Liferay DXP: Commerce Fact Sheet

Simplify buying and encourage repeat orders with a site that makes it easy to do business with you.

Download this fact sheet to see how Liferay's native Commerce capabilities can help you:

1. Create and manage multiple storefronts
2. Simplify order management
3. Provide sales and service rep support
4. Simplify product management
5. Support complex pricing
6. Process payments easily
7. Manage product inventory
8. Integrate and connect to other systems

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Liferay GmbH
Kölner Str. 3
D-65760 Eschborn
+49 (0) 6196 92 193 00
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