Liferay DXP: CMS Overview

Website management today is a highly collaborative process, often pulling in stakeholders from multiple roles, such as developers, designers, site administrators and marketers. To address these needs, it is crucial that web platforms provide broad, robust applications that an employee in any role can quickly learn to use. Additionally, development teams should be empowered to open up and customize their platforms, giving them the freedom to create true competitive advantages unique to their business. A key characteristic of content management in Liferay DXP 7.2 is the decoupling of content authoring and management from content delivery. This separation allows the organization to have the flexibility to choose their content management strategy, whether to use Liferay DXP as a headless CMS, a traditional CMS or a hybrid of the two. Download to learn what other content management tools are available on Liferay DXP 7.2.
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Kundenportale mit Liferay DXP: Unterstützende Funk­tionalitäten und Funktionen
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Kundenportale mit Liferay DXP: Unterstützende Funk­tionalitäten und Funktionen
Liferay DXP – Commerce Fact Sheet
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Liferay DXP – Commerce Fact Sheet
Liferay DXP im Überblick: Die Bausteine, die Sie benötigen, um maßgeschneiderte digitale Lösungen zu erstellen
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Liferay DXP im Überblick: Die Bausteine, die Sie benötigen, um maßgeschneiderte digitale Lösungen zu erstellen
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