
7 Ways Wealth Managers Use Liferay to Transform Client Experiences

As Baby Boomers retire at an ever-increasing rate, younger generations are becoming prominent customers, set to receive one of the largest wealth transfers in history. For wealth managers, that means adapting to an entirely new set of demands and expectations to capture and retain your clients.

In this ebook, read how a robust digital experience platform like Liferay DXP can help you rapidly meet new client expectations, build Assets Under Management (AUM), and outpace disruption.

Discover how wealth managers use Liferay to:

  1. Attract Clients with Easy-to-Manage, Mobile-Friendly Websites
  2. Streamline and Accelerate the Onboarding Process
  3. Provide a Clear Picture of Assets and Portfolios for Clients
  4. Unify Legacy Solutions for an Improved Client Experience
  5. Expand AUM Through Effective Personalization
  6. Improve Agent Efficiency with Portal Views
  7. Reduce Time-to-Market to Meet Expectations

Consigue el E-Book

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Portales de cliente, Plataformas de Integración, Websites

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Información de producto
Resumen de las capacidades Liferay DXP: Las capacidades básicas que necesitas para crear experiencias digitales para ti