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Delivering Self-Service with Liferay: Customer Portal Features List

Gartner predicts that 85% of all customer service interactions will start with self-service. In preparation, many businesses are expecting to or have already implemented a self-service customer portal. However, many of these do not provide the intuitive and seamless experiences customers are looking for.

To meet these expectations, companies can depend on the decade of portal experience with the broad out-of-the-box platform functionalities of Liferay to:

  • Launch self-service sites that empower customers to resolve their issues without assistance
  • Reduce the number of calls coming into the customer support center, decreasing cost-to-serve
  • Securely manage customer data and portal access
  • Integrate existing systems and services to deliver a streamline customer experience
  • Increase the adoption of a modern customer portal, boosting customer satisfaction

Fill out this short form to get a comprehensive view into how Liferay can empower your business to build effective self-service customer portals.

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Resumen de las capacidades Liferay DXP: Las capacidades básicas que necesitas para crear experiencias digitales para ti