3 New Features to Manage Bulk Digital Assets with Liferay DXP 7.2
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3 New Features to Manage Bulk Digital Assets with Liferay DXP 7.2

Let Liferay DXP handle bulk tasks so your team can focus on what matters

Digital assets have become a significant part of our everyday experience; we consume and interact with photos, audio files, content and ads. However, the seemingly exponential growth of these digital assets has created challenges for enterprises. 

The average company wastes about $10,000 a year mismanaging digital assets and without a robust Digital Asset Management system, companies can spend over $44,000 a year just trying to manage their assets. In addition, employees struggle to find the assets they need and this can even lead to duplicate assets. These problems only compound as your business grows and the amount of assets you create and store inevitably increase. Managing and organizing a large number of assets is not only time consuming but also frustrating.

Managing Bulk Assets with Liferay DXP 

Alleviate these issues with Liferay’s powerful DAM that can not only have you save time and money but also accommodate to your growing business. Manage digital assets and files at scale with these features available on Liferay DXP 7.2

  1. Improved Tool for Bulk Management: Manage digital assets and files at scale with an improved tool for bulk management of tags, categories and file operations such as deletion and moving files. Bulk management helps cut down on the amount of time spent on repetitive tasks so that you can focus on what matters.
  2. Auto-Tagging: One of the most exciting new features in Liferay DXP 7.2 is auto-tagging. The platform leverages third-party machine learning services to improve the findability of assets by automatically adding tags to images, documents and web content upon upload, allowing you to easily provide personalized experiences. The platform also provides an Auto-Tagging API, whereby you can tag any asset with any service for your use case by leveraging an API built for extending auto-tagging functionality. Tagging is critical because it helps with search. According to a study done by Nintex, 49% of employees said they have trouble locating documents. This inability to track down documents and information can take a massive toll of productivity. In fact, employees spend one day per working week trying to search for these assets. Content really becomes a usable and useful asset when there is metadata associated with it so that employees can easily find what they’re looking for.
  3. Automatic Versioning Policies: Refinements to how documents can be versioned are provided in Liferay DXP 7.2. The functionality for versioning has been expanded to allow users to define their own versioning policies and apply them to Liferay DXP. Of course, this is in addition to the existing default versioning system that is already provided out-of-the-box. Liferay DXP versions documents and increments them as you make changes, enabling any author to rollback and view the version history. In Liferay DXP 7.2, intelligent/definable versioning is introduced, which is used to enrich historical and auditing context of a document’s lifecycle. Especially when assets are shared across the organization, versioning is extremely beneficial to not only know which pieces of an asset are the most up-to-date, but also to keep track of changes in the lifetime of that asset. 

Dive into What’s New in Liferay DXP 7.2

See what other new features and improvements are available in our New Features Summary.

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3 New Features to Manage Bulk Digital Assets with Liferay DXP 7.2
2 min de leitura

3 New Features to Manage Bulk Digital Assets with Liferay DXP 7.2

Let Liferay DXP handle bulk tasks so your team can focus on what matters

Digital assets have become a significant part of our everyday experience; we consume and interact with photos, audio files, content and ads. However, the seemingly exponential growth of these digital assets has created challenges for enterprises. 

The average company wastes about $10,000 a year mismanaging digital assets and without a robust Digital Asset Management system, companies can spend over $44,000 a year just trying to manage their assets. In addition, employees struggle to find the assets they need and this can even lead to duplicate assets. These problems only compound as your business grows and the amount of assets you create and store inevitably increase. Managing and organizing a large number of assets is not only time consuming but also frustrating.

Managing Bulk Assets with Liferay DXP 

Alleviate these issues with Liferay’s powerful DAM that can not only have you save time and money but also accommodate to your growing business. Manage digital assets and files at scale with these features available on Liferay DXP 7.2

  1. Improved Tool for Bulk Management: Manage digital assets and files at scale with an improved tool for bulk management of tags, categories and file operations such as deletion and moving files. Bulk management helps cut down on the amount of time spent on repetitive tasks so that you can focus on what matters.
  2. Auto-Tagging: One of the most exciting new features in Liferay DXP 7.2 is auto-tagging. The platform leverages third-party machine learning services to improve the findability of assets by automatically adding tags to images, documents and web content upon upload, allowing you to easily provide personalized experiences. The platform also provides an Auto-Tagging API, whereby you can tag any asset with any service for your use case by leveraging an API built for extending auto-tagging functionality. Tagging is critical because it helps with search. According to a study done by Nintex, 49% of employees said they have trouble locating documents. This inability to track down documents and information can take a massive toll of productivity. In fact, employees spend one day per working week trying to search for these assets. Content really becomes a usable and useful asset when there is metadata associated with it so that employees can easily find what they’re looking for.
  3. Automatic Versioning Policies: Refinements to how documents can be versioned are provided in Liferay DXP 7.2. The functionality for versioning has been expanded to allow users to define their own versioning policies and apply them to Liferay DXP. Of course, this is in addition to the existing default versioning system that is already provided out-of-the-box. Liferay DXP versions documents and increments them as you make changes, enabling any author to rollback and view the version history. In Liferay DXP 7.2, intelligent/definable versioning is introduced, which is used to enrich historical and auditing context of a document’s lifecycle. Especially when assets are shared across the organization, versioning is extremely beneficial to not only know which pieces of an asset are the most up-to-date, but also to keep track of changes in the lifetime of that asset. 

Dive into What’s New in Liferay DXP 7.2

See what other new features and improvements are available in our New Features Summary.

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Publicado originalmente
17 de Setembro de 2019
Última atualização
2 de Outubro de 2019

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