
Manufacturing Excellence – 5 Inspiring B2B Solutions Built with Liferay

Over the past decade, digital transformation has been accelerating in almost every industry – and manufacturing hasn’t been an exception. Rising customer expectations, increased competition and disruptive changes caused by Big Data, Industry 4.0, and for the last two years, COVID-19, have forced the industry to shift their business models and refocus their IT investments toward resilience, business continuity and cost saving.

Digital experience platforms (DXPs) have become the means of choice to tackle the many challenges of digital transformation and integrate new digital technologies into processes and products. Especially B2B manufacturers successfully leverage DXPs to enhance their investments in ecosystems and experiences, unify their product and manufacturing process data and, most importantly, deliver engaging and targeted digital customer experiences.

This e-book will provide insight into how Liferay’s Digital Experience Platform has helped manufacturers design flexible solutions that bring all their data together in one location to build a streamlined digital ecosystem and meet the rising expectations of their customers.

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Sites de E-commerce, Cloud Solutions, Portal do Cliente, Intranets, Websites

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Liferay DXP: recursos de e-commerce