
Tackling Tech Tension – 5 Ways to Improve Total Experience

A strong total experience (TX)—which integrates digital, employee, customer, and user experiences—is the foundation for an effective and cohesive digital environment.

In the UK, as companies continue their digital transformation and deploy remote working in the pursuit of efficiency, and more customers expect a frictionless digital experience, the need for a seamless digital ecosystem has become critical.

However, with many elements to consider and coordinate, IT environments can quickly become complicated as they evolve. This can cause “tech tension”—the frustration experienced due to technical difficulties.

This ebook presents five ways to tackle this "tech tension" with a unified digital experience platform by enhancing the total experience for everyone, from employees to customers and beyond.

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Sites e-commerce, Portales de cliente, Plataformas de Integración

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Tendencias Clave en el Sector Transporte
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Tendencias Clave en el Sector Transporte
El poder de la IA impulsa tu negocio con Liferay DXP
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El poder de la IA impulsa tu negocio con Liferay DXP
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Unifica las experiencias digitales en el sector educativo con Liferay DXP
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Información de producto
Unifica las experiencias digitales en el sector educativo con Liferay DXP
Paseo de la Castellana, 280
Planta 1ª. Módulo B
Madrid 28046
+34 91 7336343
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