
6 Tactics to Modernize Your Intranet

Want to turn your intranet from a cluttered file-sharing site to a tool that actually increases employee productivity? You’ll need to transform it into a modern intranet.

A modern intranet can:

  • Raise the productivity of workers by 20 to 25% by encouraging communication and collaboration
  • Increase sales by 20% by connecting and engaging employees
  • Save enterprise-sized companies an average of $62.4 million per year that they could have otherwise lost due to poor communications

However, in order to obtain these benefits, these 6 tactics must first be in place.

  1. Focusing on Internal Customers
  2. Defining the Intranet’s Purpose
  3. Empowering Deskless and Remote Workers
  4. Choosing the Right Technology
  5. Increasing Employee Efficiency
  6. Onboarding and Training for Increased Adoption

Having engaged, productive, and satisfied employees is not impossible. Learn how to make this a reality by modernizing your intranet tool with these tactics.

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