Liferay Trust Center /
General Compliance
Liferay understands how critical it is for our prospects and customers to find secure and compliant digital solutions for their business needs. We are committed to being not just a vendor, but a trusted partner for our customers.
Our focus is to ensure that the valuable information you entrust to us is secure and treated in accordance with the applicable data protection laws. As part of the FOSS community, we apply best practices when it comes to IP and FOSS licensing. We also believe in conducting business with integrity, ultimately fostering strong relationships with our customers and our community.
This Trust Center provides a comprehensive collection of resources designed to aid every customer’s due diligence process and demonstrate our commitment to security and compliance.
General Compliance
We believe in building trust through ethical conduct and we prioritize acting with integrity. It is important to us that Liferay is a company built in an ethical way. This is reflected amongst others in our Liferay Code of Business Conduct and Ethics. Our Liferay Code of Business Conduct and Ethics sets out a clear path to meet both the letter and the spirit of the laws and regulations that apply to our business. Promoting an ethical business environment and earning the trust of our customers and our community is key to us and our general compliance program plays an important role in achieving this.
Liferay Code of Business Conduct and Ethics
The importance of our Liferay Code of Business Conduct and Ethics cannot be overstated, it is the cornerstone of our general compliance program. The Liferay Code of Business Conduct and Ethics sets out our principles of business ethics and lawful business conduct. It sets out a clear path to meet both the letter and the spirit of the laws and regulations that apply to our business. The Liferay Code of Business Conduct and Ethics fosters a respectful and ethical work environment and helps us to build the trust of our customers and our community.
Our Liferay Code of Business Conduct and Ethics is available in these languages:
Environmental Social Governance
Environmental Social Governance is part of our DNA as an organization.
We strive to leave a positive impact and lasting contributions to the world and to the environment, the societies and communities we operate in as we believe that through business and technology we can create a better future. We set high standards for ourselves and we effectively manage our environmental social governance. We bring our values, “value people”, “lead by serving”, to life by investing in and supporting our communities through our world-wide EVP program and we are protecting our planet through initiatives such as the Green Liferay project. We see ESG as an opportunity and we recognise that we have a responsibility to leave a positive footprint on the world.
Our Environmental Social Governance report demonstrates our corporate governance, our commitment to social responsibility and our sustainability efforts.
Statement on the United Kingdom Modern Slavery Act
Liferay makes a statement under the United Kingdom Modern Slavery Act 2015 in relation to the respective financial year. Our Liferay Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement sets out the actions and steps that we have undertaken to understand all potential modern slavery risks and to prevent slavery, forced labor and human trafficking in our business and in our supply chain.
Liferay has established a whistleblowing channel which is guided by the principles of confidentiality, transparency, objectivity, honesty, respect and independence. The whistleblowing channel allows for anonymous reporting and whistleblowers are protected from retaliation.
If you believe there have been any illegal, fraudulent, or unethical activities within Liferay you can report these, confidentially or anonymously, in writing or verbally. The whistleblowing channel can be accessed from any device (computer, tablet, or smartphone) with an internet connection and applies to Liferay S.L. Spain and Liferay Hungary Kft.
Digital Services Act
We are committed to comply with the European Union Digital Services Act (DSA) and we aim to create safe and trustworthy digital experiences where the fundamental rights of end users are protected and where we help to prevent illegal online activities.
Please report abuse to Liferay that you believe is illegal under the DSA by using the abuse reporting form linked to this page. We encourage you to please fill out each field requested in the form and to include as much information as possible. Please be as specific as possible with regard to the content category, the content location (e.g. URL/content ID/other metadata), any additional information (time/date/specific offering/site section), and why you believe the content is illegal, associated with the content for us to be able to locate and properly assess the content of the report and to be in a position to initiate steps necessary and to take appropriate action.
Point of Contact
We have a designated single point of contact to enable direct communication with the European Commission, the European Board for Digital Services and the European Member States' authorities and recipients of the service located in the European Union (EU) which may contact Liferay at [email protected].
Communications should be sent to this email address and either be in German or in English.
English is the preferred language for communication.
Transparency Report
In compliance with the obligations under the DSA, you can find here the transparency report for the time period from 17 February 2024 to 31 December 2024.
Export Information
Certain Liferay software is subject to U.S. Export Administration Regulations (EAR) and other related export laws. See below for details about these regulations, Liferay's export policies, and applicable restrictions.
Diamond Bar, CA 91765